me, myself, and the fangirl


I’m Neha.

I don’t really know why in typing my real name and all – privacy ladida. But hell with it.

This be my first blog on WordPress. It’ll probably turn into a spam haven. I don’t really care.

So. I am of an unspecified age between two and two hundred, I do not enjoy making friends, I have bad-terrible eyesight, I deny all connections with my few friends when they act ridiculous and I am a hypocrite.

I probably act worse than they do ninety-eight percent of the time. But there’s always that two percent of freedom/maturity.
(I don’t know why I typed freedom there)
(I really don’t)

I’m one of the most inadequate people to walk the earth. I can’t do anything right 😀

And I’m happy. Should I be happy? I don’t know.

That’s it for entry 1. Goodnight.